Saturday, December 31, 2011

RAMP Sports Cork Unisex Twin Tip Park and Pipe Alpine Ski with Tyrolia SL 100 - 171cm

RAMP Sports Cork Unisex Twin Tip Park and Pipe Alpine Ski with Tyrolia SL 100 - 171cm Reviews

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RAMP Sports Cork Unisex Twin Tip Park and Pipe Alpine Ski with Tyrolia SL 100 - 171cm Feature

  • When you pop the cork you're hucking yourself. You love air, but it's totally lame when your skis won't carve ripping turns on your way to the park. Fear not. With the Cork you can carve the mountain into strips. The catch-free tip and tail slay the variable snow conditions when you go sun to shade in the pipe.
  • The Tyrolia SL 100 gives you the lightest performance binding you can get that combines a perfect balance of retention and release with the most safety features. Any recreational to advanced skier or even lightweight-advanced-plus skiers will love the combination of safety, light weight and great value.
  • Din Range: 3-10
Forward waisted for tricks with a new Freestyle Camber that has early rise and reverse sidecut in both the tip and tail. The Razor Cut sidecut is positioned in the middle boosting grip for takeoffs and carving turns on hard snow. The Cork is made with the most durable wood-core sandwich, sidewall construction. Tyrolia SL 100 is lighter and easier to handle! The light bindings from TYROLIA are ideally suited for special skiing enjoyment at a low cost. A distinction is made between Light Diagonal and Super Light bindings.

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